You Can't Get There From Here.
I am jumping out of my skin.
I decided in February of this year that I am going to move to Auckland, New Zealand. Not a move taken lightly. Much, much research and investigating went into this decision.
It all started with one idea. The idea that my life changed dramatically and I decided that I would embrace the concept. Shortly thereafter, I thought about this shift in my life and the unbelievable opportunity that it was presenting to me. A very loud voice in my head screamed "DO IT NOW!" "IF YOU DON'T DO IT NOW, YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!"
The concept started with the unraveling of my life and the direction that it had been going in. A direction not set forth by me, but set forth by another. A spiral that gained momentum which I do admit that I jumped into whole heartedly. But then it spun out of control. I ended up in a place that I never envisioned and this place choked me.
Aat the beginning of the year I started to think about what I wanted. The list of concepts that are not tangible in a materialistic sense. It is the remake of my life and what I am looking to achieve at the end of the day.
I want to pray in a Buddhist Temple in Cambodia. A culture so rich and old in ancient ways that it would take me a lifetime to understand it.
I want to hike in the mountains of New Zealand's Southern Island.
I want to watch the surf break in Bali.
I want to walk the streets in Indonesia.
These are dreams that I dreamed as a kid on lazy Sunday afternoons staring at the map of the world and wondering how big it really was.
Mom should have never bought me a globe.