Dear Great Aunt Pat,
I don't think I ever said thank you for being so nice to me. You always greeted me with a warm smile, a tight hug and a nice compliment. You were kind when other's in our family called me a hippie and did not mean it as a compliment. When other's made underhanded remarks you were always ready with a steady hand resting on my shoulder.
You laughed easily and out loud. You were warm and always thought of everyone else. You always asked me about my Grandparents who lived so far away in Florida, and always loved to remind me how much my Grandpa, your brother, loved me when I was a little girl and glowed when he was around me.
You remembered things that I was too young to remember and never let me forget that family is important.
And you gave me Dorothy, your daughter and my big cousin, who I adore.
I will see you for the last time on Saturday. I will always love you and I will miss you terribly. Please say hello to Grandma, Uncle Mike, Opa, Uncle Paul, Uncle Steve, Christopher and of course Lady for me.